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Conservation Area Appraisals, Village Design Statements and The South Gloucestershire Landscape Character Assessment may, where available, in the vicinity of a development, also provide good sources of information that assist in discerning such distinctive local character. 07/02/2023. The need to protect habitats and species associated with the international designations on the estuary, including the seasonal presence of migratory species, may also constrain the timing, phasing and nature of decommissioning related activities and works. This will require new approaches from those set out in PSP38 (Development within existing residential curtilages, including extensions and new dwellings). An explanation as to how any necessary Environmental Impact Assessment requirements will be met and Habitats Regulations compliance achieved, should accompany the strategic masterplan and individual proposals for the site. Often, adaptation measures do not just mitigate potential harm, but also offer beneficial opportunities a single measure can satisfy several policy requirements. retail, office, leisure) which include vehicular parking must include as a minimum passive infrastructure to enable the future provision of electric charging facilities; For all non-residential developments providing 10 or more parking bays, at least 20% of those bays are required to provide active charging facilities for electric or other ultra-low vehicles. Each of these commitments has its own dedicated Action Plan which sets out how we will deliver our priorities and measure our progress to maintain the extraordinary status we believe South Gloucestershire merits. It sets out what development should happen where and protects important natural spaces, buildings and streets. Stroud District Local Plan Review; Pay, report & apply for Council services Pay it; Report it; Apply for it; Press room See all. Car Parking Standards for both residential and non-residential developments within certain areas are looking to move towards a flexible approach relating to the accessibility of the development location, with the most accessible locations requiring the lowest car parking provision. Active Provision:An active OLEV compliant chargepoint, such that each dwelling has the opportunity to charge their vehicle at the same time with a total charging time not exceeding 8 hours. NDA Radioactive Waste Strategy Figure 2 explains the Waste Hierarchy: preferred approach is prevention, then minimisation, then reuse, then recycle and disposal only when necessary. 6) Resources and lifespanWell-designed places should seek to maximise the contributions of natural resources such as the sun, ground heat and wind, and include passive measures for light, temperature, ventilation and heat. To help satisfy Clause 1a, reference should be made to emerging Local Plan Policy Creating well-designed places which provides detail on requirements for energy conservation and sustainable design, and climate resilience. Local councillors. Development within Existing Residential Curtilages, including Extensions and New Dwellings, 36. The masterplan, including any necessary revisions, and individual proposals should seek to minimise impact on and maximise benefits and positive legacy for communities, the economy and the environment, including by: Securing sustainable and beneficial use and/or reuse and restoration of the site in terms of both interim and end states; and Protecting the site for high quality employment uses and/or green energy related uses in both in the near and longer term, while also: Ensuring that both the proposed works and their timing avoids impact on biodiversity designations and protected species, and where possible restoring, enhancing and managing Priority Habitats; Reinstating the habitat value of lagoon 3 for bird species associated with the designations on the Severn Estuary Conserving and where appropriate enhancing landscape character and visual amenity of the site and the locality including views across the local and wider landscape and estuary; Undertaking detailed archaeological and geoarchaeological assessment and investigation, recording and publication where development may impact on buried archaeological and environmental remains; Protecting the routes and amenity of the Severn Way and other PRoW links; Ensuring that any associated transport proposals are effectively controlled to avoid impact on local communities and ensure the safety of other road users; Demonstrating resilience to climate change and any increase in flood risk. We want to make sure that where our new Local Plan can tackle the issues and address priorities for the area, we have effective policies in order to do so. Please note: at this stage, the existing policies set out in the Core Strategy, Policies Sites and Places Plan and Joint Waste Core Strategy will remain in place, and will be used to determine planning applications. Any advance or preparatory works are demonstrably necessary for the timely delivery of NNB at Oldbury, incorporate adequate and timely mitigation, and are accompanied by a strategy and mechanisms to secure appropriate restoration of the landscape should NNB at Oldbury not proceed. And in identifying and supporting those most in need and helping people to help themselves, we hope to raise living standards for the most disadvantaged. Suitable disposal options will also need to be appropriately regulated and controlled and comply with other relevant plans, such as the West of England Joint Waste Core Strategy. Our priorities are brought to life through a package of 20 commitments. They will eventually be replaced by new policies included in the Local Plan 2020- but not until the Local Plan 2020 has been adopted. 25. As part of this Phase 1 document, we want to get your feedback on whether the range of planning policies we are currently proposing are correct, and if you have any views on the draft policies we are presenting at this time. Creating well-designed places requires an understanding of a wide range of principles, across numerous disciplines. As we publish this plan it has been an extraordinary and completely unprecedented six months for the country and for residents of South Gloucestershire. The existing and future development potential of adjoining sites, or the potential for the area to achieve a coherent, interconnected, and integrated built form, must not be prejudiced by proposals. Monitoring and review arrangements for both the construction and operational phases of the NNB. Relevant aspects of proposed policy on decommissioning will be expected to inform the establishment of those principles. 24. Due to the proposed changes to the planning system set out in the Governments Planning White Paper, some of the policies we have listed (including our draft policies) might not be carried forward. Schedule A Car Parking Provision Standards Residential, Schedule B Car Parking Provision Standards Non Residential, Schedule C Disabled User Parking Provision, Schedule D Cycle Parking Provision Standards, Motorcycle and Other Powered Two Wheelers. Topic-based policies shape the quality, type and way we build new types of development. the land is restored to its original state. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? Proposals that include an element of community ownership, or are from the community energy sector, are encouraged. Go. The most common technologies are solar PV and also solar thermal. The most up to date census data outlines that South Gloucestershire has a higher level of vehicle ownership per household than the national average. An increasing proportion of the councils funding comes from what we receive from council tax and business rates and so it is natural that our key priorities and commitments are based on what you, our residents and local businesses, have told us is important to you. Strategic policies should set out an overall strategy for the pattern, scale and quality of development. What are strategic and non-strategic policies? Theme: Flood & Flood Risk Management(incl. For residential development, two policy options are presented to achieve net zero carbon. It was also clear that whilst the fundamental priorities for the coming years will remain constant, our approach to meeting them will remain responsive and as such, this is a live and evolving document.Specifically, you have told us that you would like to see how the Plan supports our response to the Climate Emergency and the growing inequality gaps in our society. Policies Sites and Places Plan policy PSP16: Parking Standards, Use Classes Order (September 2020) update. Further information on the NSIP process, including relevant legislation, guidance advice and roles of the various parties may be found on the Planning Inspectorates website. This may also be relevant to informing the Councils planning response to any consultations on consents, licenses or permits from other organisations, as well as in determining planning applications to South Gloucestershire Council. The policies within the Core Strategy were prepared to support the growth strategy at that time, with updates and more detailed policies set out in the PSP Plan (adopted in 2017). Early discussions have also contributed to the development of a new planning policy relating to decommissioning. The Local Development Guide was presented and adopted at Gloucestershire County Council's Cabinet meeting on 24 March 2021. 1. Mineral Extraction, Working and Restoration, 11. There are approximately 6,000 children living in poverty in South Gloucestershire, a statistic which goes to the heart of our priority to invest in education and skills, tackle inequality and create the best start in life for our children and young people. Low levels of unemployment in March 2020, 2.6% of the economically active population (16 and over) were unemployed, below the sub-regional (West of England) and national (England) averages (both 3.9%). Meeting the needs of our Gypsy/ Traveller & TravellingShowpeoplecommunities, 8. We've been working in the local community to help older people for over 25 years. But we have also drawn on the opportunities that have emerged from the emergency response to the pandemic in looking forward to the new norm; identifying new and better ways to keep residents informed, and working with individuals and groups who have stepped up during this time to help communities play an active role in finding local answers to local issues. Changes to the way the planning system operates (including national planning policy) is likely to have a strong influence on the range and content of planning policies we include in our Local Plan 2020. This form of parking solution will therefore only be acceptable where significant and direct overlooking from habitable rooms of properties is provided and where other more secure solutions are not possible due to site constraints. How will we know what level of parking provision is suitable on a site within the zone? Through our active role in the West of England Combined Authority and the Western Gateway powerhouse, we have demonstrated how we can work effectively with neighbouring authorities and others to deliver improved outcomes for the wider region. As In addition, changes being proposed by the Planning White Paper may alter how these policies are progressed, as national guidance and legislation is amended. The Local Plan was adopted at Full Council on 22 July 2015. Key to maximising benefits and minimising impacts across a range of topic areas relevant to NNB will be the early agreement and potentially the advance and/or early delivery of a range of strategies and mitigation measures, defined triggers for implementation, along with systematic and clearly defined monitoring to ensure effectiveness and identify any need for adjustments. The scale and impact of NSIPs may require an appropriate and comprehensive package ofdeveloper contributions to mitigate and compensate for any new and increased levels ofimpact and harm. This will be secured through use of planning conditions. Topic-based policies might also cover detailed issues, like transport management, or how standards in relation to carbon reduction in new developments are required, or specific design principles in relation to extensions. A3** Restaurants and Cafes and A4**public houses, 1 space per 5sqm dining area or public drinking area, Shopping, leisure, recreation and other uses requiring public access and employment, In addition to and equal to 5% of the level of parking derived from Schedule B, 1) Car parking spaces should be clearly identified for blue badge holders only and should be located so as to allow easy access to the building they serve, Shops, services less than 3,000m2 gross floor area (GFA) (A1, A2), Garden centres, including those attached to other retail premises, Motor vehicle services (garage, workshops, car sales, car hire), Student accommodation (Sui Generis/C3/C1), 1 (provided garage design accommodation both car and cycle storage). Housing developments must be tenure blind/inclusive, with the same attention to detail and use of high-quality materials and boundary treatments used in affordable housing provision as market housing. The Accessibility Assessment can be used to justify a development sites departure from the prescribed parking standards set out in this policy and must be completed for developments within the urban zone. Contact to request this service. 3) MovementDevelopment proposals must create or enable sustainable connections to destinations, places and communities, both within the site and beyond its boundaries. Note: Regulations are continuously reviewed and the status of the site may change in future. They have a role to play not just at the West of England scale but also at the local level, where they can provide a space-efficient alternative to driving, where walking, cycling and public transport trips are not possible. The Local plan includes policies for deciding planning applications in Bristol. It will open in a separate window. This policy is a key principle behind the emerging development strategy of the local plan, and it is also reinforced and supported throughout the plan by more detailed policies which cover specific issues such as design, energy management, green infrastructure, sustainable transport and renewable energy. This might be to increase private living or amenity space or public realm improvements, for example. developing a low carbon economy, encouraging people to live low carbon, sustainable and healthy lifestyles. Proposals that support the transition to a smart energy system may include battery storage facilities. Planning law requires that planning decisions are made in accordance with the Council's Development Plan. Our Scrutiny Commission will also have a key role in monitoring delivery of the Council Plan as well as carrying out their policy development role as the Plan develops and is implemented. Our Local Strategic Partnership will have a particularly prominent role on those issues which require a joined-up approach across multiple partners, most notably in tackling the Climate Emergency, our ambitions to enhance educational attainment and in closing the inequality gap, Priority 1 Creating the best start in life for our children and young people. In terraced houses, space for the storage of a range of waste and recycling bins or containers, can be successfully integrated into the fronts of properties, in screened storage structures, which can also be integrated within porch canopies, also providing bike storage and electrical car-charging cables. High streets, town and district centres, and local parades Uses and criteria, 53. Local Plan Saved Policies; The Minerals and Waste Local Plan Policies; Proposals Map; Supplementary residential extension guidelines (RESPD) which provide information on what kinds of residential extensions are considered acceptable in Slough. d) Any parking provided is well-designed, conveniently sited, safe, overlooked, well-landscaped and sensitively integrated into the public realm or built form, so that it does not dominate the street scene. Adele Davison, Apprentice Engineer, South Gloucestershire Council. 4. All land use, development, demolition and waste planning proposals should be set within the context of an agreed strategic masterplan. We would like your feedback on whether we have provided the correct range of policies that we will need in the future to guide development and create exceptional places and spaces within existing and new communities. Policy Option 1: Net zero carbon (100% reduction in carbon emissions) from regulated energy use;or Policy Option 2: Net zero carbon (100% reduction in carbon emissions) from regulated and unregulated energy use. EA guidance as per footnote 2 sets out examples of reuse, including filling voids on site or forming bunds/landscaping. We have needed to find new ways to deliver services during the Covid-19 outbreak, some of which have highlighted better and more efficient ways of working. Regulated energy includes space heating, ventilation, hot water supply and lighting. It will be important therefore to assess the predicted impacts of the project over time, in order to determine either their acceptability or whether additional control measures and/or mitigation are required. However, other technologies would be welcome too where appropriate. Along with other relevant policies in the plan, this policy will be a material consideration in assessing individual planning and waste applications, notifications and any consultations related to the decommissioning of Oldbury power station. This Phase 1 Issues and Approaches consultation is the first step in preparing the Local Plan 2020.Follow the links below to read each chapter of the plan on this website, or scroll down to download the whole document as a pdf file. The Policy seeks to ensure that new development (residential and non-residential) is built to high energy efficiency standards, uses renewable heating and cooling systems, and incorporates renewable energy generation. Proposals for development where the primary function utilises, promotes or perpetuates reliance on fossil fuels, are considered to be in conflict with the policy and will not be acceptable. Although the specific criteria has not been finalised it is expected that a percentage reduction will be based on the individual site circumstances and accessibility, for example looking at current on street parking issues as well as access to services and facilities and alternative modes of transport. Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO), Residential Conversions and Sub-Divisions, 48. You can search using a range of address details by. Pro-actively address issues of public concern both actual and perceived. Ensure dovetailing of arrangements between the Magnox and NNB sites. Consider NNB Emergency Planning in the context of development proposals for the surrounding area. Clearly defined and measurable Key Performance Indicators will be needed to assess progress and delivery over time. South Gloucestershire has the opportunity to increase renewable energy generation and facilitate development to enable a more flexible, smart, decentralised energy system. A character and context appraisal should be provided within the design and access statement to support a planning application, and to show how the local context has been considered and taken into account in the design of the development. There is also an updated online map which displays sites submitted during . In justifying new development in accordance with the NPPF requirements, this approach will not be acceptable. These risks are likely to affect communities, businesses and infrastructure; health, well-being and productivity; water supply (for the public, agriculture, energy generation and industry), food production, and natural capital (which includes ecosystems, soils and biodiversity). Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? Application of these priorities is subject to compliance with the criteria set out below and other relevant policy in the development plan. Flood riskExtensive areas subject to flood risk. Core Strategy Policy CS37 Nuclear Related Development (partial)Policies Sites and Places Plan policy PSP46: Oldbury New Nuclear Build (NNB). We also want to open up new channels of communication, both digitally and through our face to face engagement and service interactions so we can reach all of our residents. We are actively engaging with partners and stakeholders to identify how we can continue to target resources to those most dependent on the council and ensure equality of opportunity.By their very scale, these issues cannot be tackled in isolation and require commitment from senior leadership, direct staff resource and a comprehensive whole community approach with residents and partners. Beta This is our beta website, your feedback can help us improve it. Site Allocations Sites & Criteria, CS4a Presumption in favour of sustainable development. It is also accepted that due to the long timeframes, changing contexts and complexities of some NSIPs, aspects of impact prediction may be uncertain. Minimise cooling demand by reducing internal heat gains e.g. If a future or legacy use for any temporary development or construction area is not feasible or appropriate, the Council shall require a scheme of works to be agreed whereby: i. In order to meet the objectives outlined in the plan the Council proposes to future proof development now in order to allow for an electric vehicle revolution. Given the perceptions relating to radioactive waste, security requirements and limitations on future use that would be imposed by disposal of low level and very low level waste on site at Oldbury, that would endure for many generations into the future, but without any benefits of employment opportunities on the site, it is appropriate that Community Benefits are secured to offset these impacts. A set of short videos explaining the preparation of, and how you can get involved in shaping our new Local Plan 2020 for South Gloucestershire. Local Plan 2020: Data and Access Profiles (DAPs) Data and Access Profiles (DAPs) To support production of our new Local Plan 2020 and provide evidence for adopted policies (CS8 and. Proposed policy on Radioactive Waste will be relevant in the consideration of decommissioning proposals. South Gloucestershire is a great place to live, work and visit. Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches, Local Plan 2020 Opportunity for new planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Phase 2 Planning policies, Local Plan 2020 Proposed Strategic Policies, Working Policy Title: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Working Policy Title: Energy Management in New Development, Working Policy Title: Renewable and Low Carbon Energy System, Working Policy Title: Creating well-designed places, Working Policy Title: Parking Requirements, including Electric Vehicles, Working Policy Title: Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and Related Development, Working Policy Title: Oldbury A Station- Decommissioning. Do you think there are any other issues? A classified heat network is a heat network with a definite plan to become 100% renewable within a reasonable time scale, is constructed to a high quality (in accordance with appropriate technical standards, currently CIBSE code of practice), offers a fair and affordable price to consumers, and provides annual reporting on their performance and carbon content. In combination with other policies in the Local Plan 2020, the policy below may however inform the Councils review and assessment of the preferred principles for decommissioning that are expected to form part of any DCO application for NNB. National Policy Statement (NPS) EN-6 identifies an approximately 150 hectare (ha) site near Oldbury on Severn as being potentially suitable for the development of a nuclear new build power station (NNB). 5. The Plan is ambitious; we aspire to be recognised locally and nationally for what we achieve as a council and with our many partners. These contributions will be negotiated as part of the planning process,including through section 106 agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy where appropriate. In addition to a NSIP application, local authorities may be the decision maker for any elements of associated or related development not included within the main DCO application, and national policy will be a material consideration in determining these applications as appropriate. Potential for integrated solutions between the Magnox and NNB including to the temporary and/or long term reuse of brownfield land and flood mitigation Maximise sustainable transport and construction methods Integrate Sustainable Drainage solutions into NNB site design Facilitate the use of waste heat from NNB for e.g. Beta This is our beta website, your feedback can help us improve it. But please see the Building a Strategy, Urban Lifestyles & Creating Sustainable Villages sections for potential approaches which may involve Yate and Chipping Sodbury, Draft policy not yet available. Associated development is likely to include a range of both permanent and temporary works and facilities such as: Flood defences for the site and the surrounding area; Transport infrastructure including road, sea, and potentially rail; Construction worker accommodation / facilities; Modifications to the electricity transmission infrastructure; Training facilities, a visitor/ reception centre and off-site emergency facilities; Extensive landscape, visual and biodiversity mitigation areas.