It's committed to giving guests positive experiences with its excellent service and great value. On Day 1, learn about the history of plant essences, how they are made and how to use essential oils for self-care. Double-check the maximum capacity for the room you selected. The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and were in the mood to shake off that stuck indoors feeling! From luxury lofts to comfortable suites, micro-rooms, and even hammocks, embrace the option to stay your way. *This workshop will reveal techniques to creating more graceful, circular, and dance-like acrobatic movements. Hasta 40% de descuento para viajar cuando quieras en cualquiera de nuestros Selinas en Mxico! If you can't find what you're looking for, you can also send your own questions to the property. After that, you must hop in a taxi that should cost approximately $10. This guide was designed with, Get ready for the 3 best hostels in London, UK! With Private Shared, you get a bedroom all to yourself, however, the bathroom is typically located between four rooms. Selina also implement many healthy and advanced cleaning protocols. There are similar hotels available. Selina Tulum is a 4 stars Hotel in Tulum (Quintana Roo), Mexico, with the address at Carretera Boca Paila Km. TRANSPORTATION SELINA TULUM - CANCUN DOWNTOWN 1 to 6 PEOPLE. Plus, our weekly social programming includes drink and draw, mindfulness talks, and gong baths run by local and international experts. General. Promo Code: HOTSALE21 Las ofertas terminan en: Check-in Check-out Location Promo code RESERVA AHORA Sayulita Ciudad de Mxico Oaxaca Puerto Escondido Tulum The quality is much higher and the locations are unique. This means that if the customer finds a better rate for booking the same room, on the same dates and for similar amenities, on any other website, then the customer can claim the lower rate or get reimbursed the price difference in credits. Enjoy flexible policies wherever you travel Professional Customer Care, Worldwide! You can find Selina Hotels all over the country. Check-in Check-out Location Promo code Check Availability Book before March 17, 2021 | Travel before April 30, 2021 Why travel for the weekend when you can escape for longer? 15 Best, Most Luxurious Hostels in the World (to make you Eat Your Heart Out), Central America (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama), South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Argentina), Europe (Portugal, Greece, Athens, Austria, United Kingdom). Selina Tulum, Tulum [Ages 18+] Get Tickets. Here are all of the destinations Selina can be found in Ecuador: Visiting Colombia offers you the chance to discover beaches in Cartagena, coffee plantations in Quindio and colonial architecture of Bogota. Read our full review of Selina Tulum here. Compare the beachfront location of Selina with the other top-rated hostels in town. Soulful Festival will be hosted in Tulum Beach for 3 days at 7 beach front resorts and 13 locations total with 108 wellness classes to choose from along with 13 DJ's, live music, local adventures/tours and group dinner experiences together. In fact, Selina is a very popular choice and can be even sold out. . Once, they were believed to be the crossing into the underworld now, they are a loved swimming spot for both locals and tourists. Who does not stay at Selina: Super budget backpacker do not stay here. Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content youre currently viewing and your general location. Gain early access to the pre-event and post event with hosted bar hours. Alternatively, make use of the communal kitchen to create your own culinary masterpieces (shops are 15 minutes' drive away in Tulum town). A Review from the Beachfront. Join access to the 'Mystic Group' to communicate with any questions you may have. The hostels, Welcome dear travellers, to the only collection of best hostels in Tamarindo, Costa Rica youre ever going to, Prepare to be amazed by our carefully selected 3 best hostels in Lisbon. After all, you only need ONE great hostel! Find all information and best deals of Selina Tulum, Tulum on! Good to know: We have a detailed guide about the best yoga retreats in Tulum. Below you find a complete list of all locations like cities and countries hostels by Selina are located in. Includes 1 local tour adventure to experience such as the Mayan Ruins and snorkeling with the sting rays in ocean. Nestled between the sacred Tulum port ruins and Sian Kaans nature reserve, our beachfront hostel in Tulum is a hub for music, art, wellness, and culture. Welcome to the absolute best hostels in Mexico, handpicked by yours truly, the Hostelgeeks. Housekeeping is offered daily and hypo-allergenic bedding can be requested. You or the one you are getting the gift card for can redeem the nights as you wish until the end of each year. 7.5,, Zona Hotelera, Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico, 77780. Selina uses its broad knowledge of the local community and culture in more than 60 destinations worldwide. If you love the 5 Star Hostels, you will love Selina! All cribs and extra beds are subject to availability. Whether youre in the mood to travel locally or embrace Latin vibes in Mexico, Panama or Costa Rica, nows your chance to ditch the same four walls and treat yourself to a change of scenery! This is a place where massages, mindfulness and movement classes inspired by ancient Mexican traditions mix with a stunning setting on a palm-lined beach, 20 minutes' drive . 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As an Amazon Associate Digital Nomad World earn from qualifying purchases. Free WiFi, Air conditioning From a stateside getaway in Miami, to the sizzling heat in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Panama - upgrade your Spring Break experience with 20% OFF + FREE breakfast!*. The room rates for Selina Tulum start at 0 USD per night, however the discounted rates with above promo codes start at 0 USD per night. From a stateside getaway in Miami, to the sizzling heat in Mexico, Costa Rica, and Panama - upgrade your Spring Break experience with. Select More options to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. The Selina Hostels around Costa Rica are super popular, and even travelers not staying here come over for a drink. On the road, you will find me in any good caf house, enjoying an iced coffee. Yes, they are! Avatar (GA Pass) US$ 295 (excl. . We have several vouchers available for you. It covers Selina Hostels in more detail + even more special offers. Its the fragrant blend of smudged copal and sage that floats through the air at Selina Tulum! With free WiFi, this 4-star hotel offers a shared kitchen and a tour desk. Find more info about the property in the questions and answers. Check all valid discounts here. Select if you would like to show up as an Avator, Mystic or Magician and unlock more parts of the festival to experience! Both Rafael and Daniel are well-travelled people, and they believe that this project can change the face of hospitality around the world. Make your own high-vibes mister followed by a guided meditation to activate your senses and heart. Monika offers multiple online programs and tools encompassing the senses and elements for enhancing health including water fasting, essential oils and sacred sound journeys. Stay in a canopy-topped glamping tent or bamboo teepee under the stars! Add at least two parks to use the compare grid, Find more Lodges, cabins, pods or huts in Quintana Roo, Mexico, Find more glamping parks in Quintana Roo, Mexico, Beachfront tipis 20 minutes drive from Tulum's ancient ruins, Activities, excursions and tours arranged with local guides, Wellness centre, pool, coworking space, bar and restaurant on site, Choose the 'Multiple units per pitch' filter in the search results. This class is very step-by-step and is ideal for beginners. We are sure visitors of Selina Tulum will enjoy their stay even more with the best hotel room warranty. Reserva entre el 23 - 30 de Mayo | Viaja de 1 Junio - 29 Octubre. Important:If you need a COVID test before leaving Selina, they have got you covered! is a great resource to see how you can currently travel to countries like Mexico and Costa Rica. This is a Preferred Partner property. Thats why we suggest backpacking Ecuador for at least a few weeks. Please note: Get the travel advice you need. By default, reviews are sorted based on the date of the review and on additional criteria to display the most relevant reviews, including but not limited to: your language, reviews with text, and non-anonymous reviews. We only show the last 30 months' reviews. Choose from 65 locations worldwide. The classic choice is the private room that offers space for two travelers. Welcome to Selina Hostels, one of the worlds leading hostel chain. Please avoid using profanity or attempts to approximate profanity with creative spelling, in any language. Ask to be sited together in the Special requests box on the booking form. Come for the surfing, sleep in the stylish tubes and stay for the lifestyle. Tulum Downtown. You can review an accommodation that you booked through our platform if you stayed there, or if you got to the property but didnt actually stay there. Only 333 passes available. To get the overall score, we add up all the review scores and divide that total by the number of review scores we received. Sunday Master Class Part 2: Capobatics(Capoeira Basic Acrobatics). It gives travelers the best places to go, activities to do, rooms to stay. language, whether its just a rating or contains comments as well, etc.). Featured in The Best Party Hostels in Tulum, Mexico. This city is really on top, Are you about to head to Costa Rica but still unsure where exactly to stay? Have a look at the simple video below. Facing the beachfront, Selina Tulum offers 4-star accommodation in Tulum and features a shared lounge, restaurant and bar. Surf enthusiast? This Tulum hostel provides complimentary wireless Internet access. For booking hostels, we use: We recommend installing the Hostelworld App. It comes with a swimming pool, a hip bar, a restaurant serving delicious, Mexican food and of course, plenty of activities. Over 243 million reviews from guests after their stay. Let us, the Hostelgeeks, introduce the 3 Best Hostels in Cartagena, Colombia. Sound like, Ol! Receive full contact to our Soulful Concierge team as well to help plan your travels and answer any questions you may have (including COVID Test if needed on site). Facing the beachfront, Selina Tulum offers 4-star accommodations in Tulum and features a shared lounge, restaurant and bar. With free WiFi, this 4-star hotel offers a shared kitchen and a tour desk. After you purchase your festival ticket, you will be sent a welcome email with hotel invite options. Yet again, if you are on a very tight budget, Selina might be out of that range. Only 111 passes available. Get 20% OFF + FREE BREAKFAST at select locations around the United States and Central America to treat yourself a little longer. The discount changes depending on the destination. . Rumor has it you are looking for the coolest hostels in Cancun? We have more to show you. The property provides nightclub and luggage storage space. There was a problem loading the reviews. As an example, you can check Selina Tulum. With Selina Tulum, you get the perfect combination of a stunning beach, a lovely team, and amazing family rooms. Those who pay attention to details will surely enjoy the more luxurious stay Private Plus. Activities/entertainment run in smaller groups, Capacity reduced to increase social distancing. Enjoy separate check-in area and a premium soulful experience! However, if for any reason the Selina Tulum (formerly known as ) has no more rooms available, a quick search and compare of hotel rates in Tulum (Quintana Roo), Mexico will return a list of great hotels available along with various room and apartment offers. Here are all of the Selina USA destinations: From jungle lodges to surf culture and sunrise raves by the ocean the Selina hostel collection in Ecuador offers something for every kind of traveller. Click/tap once to select your first day, and again for your departure day. Each accommodation is individually furnished and decorated. Friendly reminder: The discount code above for Selina is applicable at all of their hostels! Check your booking confirmation email to find your booking number and PIN. Ocean view Privacy Policy|Terms of Service|About us|Contact|Partners | Sponsors. Get invites to group dinners and local tour adventures (not included). Approximate prices in USD for a 1-night stay. Carretera Boca Paila Km. Head to the front desk and the staff will help you to schedule your test. You can also try filtering your search by group type and by parks allowing multiple tents/caravans/motorhomes per site. Do you smell that? Each destination is different. . Free WiFi. One of the options is to take the ADO bus from Cancun, Playa del Carmen, or Merida to Tulum Pueblo. Soulful Festival will be hosted in Tulum Beach for 3 days at 7 beach front resorts and 13 locations total with 108 wellness classes to choose from along with 13 DJ's, live music, local adventures/tours and group dinner experiences together. You have come to the perfect place. Together with my small team, we are running Hostelgeeks since 2015. Try again. Respect the privacy of others. Yes, you can currently stay at the accommodations worldwide. Its time to get excited for Greece and the 3 best hostels in Athens. Work Anywhere, Live Everywhere, Inspire Each Other. For an underwater experience that's pretty much unique to this area, go with a guide to explore one of the local cenotes: natural freshwater swimming holes surrounded by lush forests with submerged cave systems. Click the button Make another booking like this on the confirmation page to easily rebook. Dining area Mexico is considered to be a foodie paradise. Nestled between the port ruins and beautiful Sian Kaans nature reserve, the beachfront location will be a splendid choice for those looking for art, music, wellness, and, of course, culture. 2023 - Digital Nomad World. Please make sure you check your personal requirements. On day 2 we will dive deeper into the various methods of essential oils with a guided thai massage sequence to relax, restore and release emotions and physical blockages. At the gateway to Mexico's Caribbean coastal playground, the Riviera Maya, Selina Tulum is a beachfront glamping site where wellness is top of the to-do list. Hypo-allergenic bedding; Housekeeping (daily) Air conditioning; Fan; Unique . Guests at the hotel can enjoy a la carte or a continental breakfast. This park does not currently take bookings here on Selina was founded in 2007 by Rafael Museri and Daniel Rudasevski. What started out as a beautiful single-location by the beach has now grown into a company with 22 locations across seven countries. [emailprotected] | whatsapp: +52 984.217.9517, Additional options: golfing, fishing, kite surfing, jungle gym, paddle boarding, surfing and bike cycle classes, Sunday Day Pass Only (Evening Music Separate), 2 Day Master Class W/ Alfred: Capoeira Flow & Ground Acrobatics, MAYAN TEMPLE TOUR W/GUIDE & TRANSPORTATION, SNORKEL W/STINGRAYS IN OCEAN + TRANSPORTATION. If you want to request something specific, you can do that after you select your rate. Selina Tulum is a 23 minute drive to the center of Tulum. * Book before March 17, 2021 | Travel from March 9 to April 30, 2021. LOVED it! We are Hostelgeeks, A warm welcome to the 3 best hostels in Puerto Escondido! Promotional content will be removed and issues concerning Booking.coms services should be routed to our Customer Service or Accommodation Service teams. Browse our 13 Selina Promo Code & Coupon Code this March 2023. You are traveling to Tulum and wondering if the famous Selina Tulum is the place to be? In fact, we have got an excellent example that finding affordable yet comfortable accommodation is possible. Shared bathroom 20% Discount for all stays at Selina Tulum | Become a Digital Nomad World exclusive member and receive more exclusive benefits. Selina utiliza cookies para brindarte la mejor experiencia de navegacin. A warm welcome to all travellers that love sun, sea and seriously awesome hostels. business travel features to the top of the filter menu so you can find them faster. Today, Selina continues to take the hospitality market to more to further lengths. Discover: 17 BEST Selina Hostels in the World. The Digital Nomad World is a platform created by digital nomads for digital nomads. Of course, if you are hoping to get the ultimate hostel experience, sharing a room with other adventure-seeking folks is a must. The wonderful thing about Panama is that its easy to remember the capital city, aptly named Panama City! Not to mention the opportunity to stay right on the beach in Palomino! Tulum-Boca Paila Km. 2 Day Master Class W/ Monika: Aromatherapy Basics (Day 1) & Thai Massage With Essential Oils (Day 2). Choose from 1 local tour adventure to experience including the Mayan Ruins and snorkeling with the sting rays. Gran Cenote (20 minutes away by car) is a good choice for swims and snorkelling; local dive centres can sort out deeper explores for intrepid scuba sorts. To show up as an Amazon Associate Digital Nomad World is a must hostel experience, sharing a room other... Private plus might be out of that range of hospitality around the World the Mayan Ruins snorkeling. 4-Star accommodation in Tulum and wondering if the famous Selina Tulum is the Private room offers... Affordable yet comfortable accommodation is possible its just a rating or contains comments as well, etc. ) meditation! 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